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You may receive a "pre-alert" seconds after the tones sound to inform you that a call is being received. This comes in while the page is being recorded - generally 60 seconds or so after that, you will have access to a page.
(Doesn't work on all phones and systems)


Step 1:

Tap the notification. You will see a delay of approximately 60 - 90 seconds between the tones first sounding and the alert appearing.


Step 2:
Listen to the page. Just a warning - it normally starts with a few seconds of the tone sounding - which can be painful if you are wearing earphones and have the volume up. You have been warned.

Stop and play the page by pressing the large Pause and Play button (⏯).

Map It: This button is not properly functional at this time. It is an issue between CAD systems at the regional dispatch. It may someday work.

Streaming: This button will take you to a live stream of our radio traffic. 

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Step 3:

Choose your Response Verification. 

Simply tap on "Station" "Unable" or "Scene". In case they are not self explanatory: 

  • Station - Choose this if you are responding to the hall.

  • Unable - Choose this if you are unable to respond at this time.

  • Scene - Choose this if you are responding directly to the scene.

One tap is all that is necessary.


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At each station, the watch desk computer is set to automatically open the eDispatches Response Verification display. Each computer will show "No responses to Display" until a page is received - at which time it will switch into "Active Mode". It will remain in active mode for 120 minutes from when the tones sound before resetting. At no point should users need to interact with this display.

Upon going into "Active Mode", display will show four columns:

  • Respond to Station

  • Respond to Scene

  • Unavailable to Respond

  • Awaiting Response (Users who have not chosen a response) 

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Names of firefighters who select "Respond to station" will be displayed under the Station icon.

Note: This will display users who are responding to both stations so members will know what dept wide response will be.

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Names of firefighters who select "Respond to scene" will be displayed under the target icon.


Names of firefighters who select "Unable to respond" will be displayed under the "No" icon.

Department leadership may push out requests for general availability to determine what general manpower resources are available. More on this can be found in SOP 802 00 (✎ available here). This general availability status is completely independent of the response verification - e.g. even if a firefighter is marked as "Available" in general availability, they will still need to use the app to show response to a call.

FOR RC, DC's, AND 2IC's.

Select officers will be granted administrative access to send out notifications via eDispatches.

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Step 1
Tap on the eDispatches Logo to see the app menu.

Step 1
Tap on the eDispatches Logo to see the app menu.

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Step 2
Tap on "Settings"

Step 2
Tap on "Settings"

Step 2
Tap on "Settings"

Step 2
Tap on "Settings"

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Step 3
Tap on Admin Login

Step 3
Tap on Admin Login

Step 3
Tap on Admin Login and enter user information supplied by 524.

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Step 4

4.a To send messages:

Tap on Messaging, choose your message recipients, create your message and hit "Send" in the top right corner. 

Please note, this functionality should be reserved for important messages only. See SOG 802.00.

4.b Recipients

Please do not access or modify what is in this section. This will modify our database and will likely create problems for 524. Please forward all database request work directly to 524.

© 2023 by North York Fire Department.

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